SuperProNet Service Help

Restarting the SuperProNet Service

1. Open the Control Panel and double-click on Administrative Tools.

caepipe troubleshoot spn service restart instructions control panel with admin tools selected image

2. Double-click on the Services icon.

caepipe troubleshoot spn service restart instructions admin tools with services selected image

3. Scroll down to the Sentinel Protection Server listing and click on it.

4. In the left coloum click on the Restart button.

Automating the SuperProNet Service

1. Open the Control Panel and double-click on Administrative Tools.

2. Double-click on the Services icon.

3. Scroll down to the Sentinel Protection Server listing.

caepipe troubleshoot spn service restart instructions services window with sentinel service selected image

4. Right-click on the listing and select Properties.

5. In the Properties window check to see that the service is running. If it is not click on the Start button.

caepipe troubleshoot spn service restart instructions sentinel protection service selected with start button selected image

6. Make sure the Startup Type is selected to Automatic.

caepipe troubleshoot spn service restart instructions sentinel protection service selected with startup type automatic selected image